You Have Questions? We Have Answers!

How does the preschool operate?

Our preschool is quite unique as we are operated by a committee of management which is made up of voluntary parents of the children that are enrolled at our preschool.   We believe this gives our families input into the running of the centre.  The staff are employed by the committee and the land and buildings belong to the preschool.  We are not a part of a preschool cluster and therefore the families and staff have input into how the preschool operates.  Any parent is welcome to be a part of the committee of management.

How much are the fees?

Currently the fees for Preschool are $1980 (including $60 for incursions and excursions) and for Pre-kinder for 5 hours are $900. They are reviewed annually.

How/When are they paid?

Fees can be paid in full, or in 4 installments or arrangements can be made with our financial officer to pay weekly/fortnightly.

What are the session times?

Please see our Timetable 

How do you enrol?

Enrolments are made through LMPA (Loddon Mallee Preschool Association) Forms can be downloaded from  First round offers close on June 15th 2020.

*If you have had a child attend our preschool before your child may be eligible for our Priority placement.  Please contact the preschool and we can send you a form. Priority placement forms are to be returned to our preschool by 5pm on Friday 12th June.

When do you find out if you have got into the preschool?

LMPA will notify families sometime in August via email.

How do you choose a group?

LMPA will then notify our preschool to let us know who has accepted a position at our preschool.  We will then contact families in September via email.  Families will then be given information about how to choose a group.

What is the program like?

We have a varied program.  It is a play-based program emerging from observing children’s interests, skills and abilities.  There is also a strong element of intentional teaching and working in collaboration with families.  We have experienced staff who are passionate about their teaching and who are skilled at recognising children’s learning abilities through a strength-based approach.

The curriculum is based on the five learning outcomes which include a child’s identity, wellbeing, community, learning and communication.

We have a strong literacy and numeracy program.

We teach the children the Letterland program which the children love!

We also focus on the children’s social skills, where we assist them to look after themselves and others by being kind, polite and respectful.  We always promote and extend children’s language skills through great conversation as well as stories, games and songs.  The children have many opportunities to practice their fine and gross motor skills through indoor and outdoor experiences.

What is the preschool routine like?

The children are given many opportunities to play both indoors and outdoors.

We have mat times where children are supported to contribute their ideas to discussions, listen to stories and engage in music and movement experiences.

The children bring and eat morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch at preschool and are encouraged to be independent with their belongings.

How many children in the group?

There are 22 children in the group with 2 staff to accommodate the ratio of 1 staff member to 11 children.  Each group has a qualified Teacher with a Bachelor Degree of Early Childhood and an Educator with a Certificate 3 qualification in early childhood.

How do I know how my child is going at preschool?

Staff chat to families about how their child is going at preschool on a regular basis.

We also offer parent/teacher interviews where we can discuss your child’s progress and their readiness for school.

We regularly communicate to our families through notices, newsletters and a communication app call Flexischool.

What schools do the children go to from Dr Harry Little Preschool?

As we are a centrally located preschool, the children from our preschool go to many schools. In fact, we have children going to 22 schools from our preschool so there is a chance your child will go to school with someone they know from their time with us.

Is there a uniform?

A uniform is optional.  It can be purchased at Arvee Screen printing in Eaglehawk Rd.  More information will be available in an information pack when enrolled.