
Dr Harry Little Preschool Philosophy

This philosophy was developed by the Committee of Management, the parent community, the child’s voice and the Educators of this Preschool. 

We believe …

At Dr Harry Little Preschool we have high expectations for all children. It is most important for the children attending the centre to feel both safe and happy and then education will follow. This is supported by Maslow’s theories of education and hierarchy of needs.

Children should be offered developmental and age appropriate experiences. A prime indicator for school readiness is a child’s social and emotional development. We therefore promote the following: life skills; learning respect for people, belongings and the environment; good manners; sharing; turn taking; being resilient, and; getting along with others.

The preschool year is a most precious time for making connections, imagining, exploring and creating. The Early Years Learning Framework provides a foundation for children’s learning. We aim to develop an authentic learning environment based on the principles and practices of Belonging, Being and Becoming and we support our children to achieve the learning outcomes as set out within the framework.

We are guided by families in nurturing children’s interests, feelings of belonging and a love of learning. We value the links between home, preschool and the wider community and work in partnership with all of these groups to provide the best start for each child.

A child’s learning should be holistic. We offer play-based experiences through individual, small group and whole group settings, both indoors and outdoors. At times these experiences will be instigated by the child, but the Educators will also have experiences they provide for the benefit of the child’s development and to facilitate their intentional teaching.

The introduction of some specifically designed experiences is important. Programs including Letterland, Ruler, Brain Gym, Early Literacy, Early Numeracy, and Healthy Eating are valued within this centre. We are working towards developing a culture of sustainability.

Team work is an important aspect of a quality children’s service.
Our Educators will support and learn from each other through regular reflective practice.

We are committed to working towards continuous improvement to be the best we can to provide an inclusive and high quality children’s service. We value everyone in our community; their individual culture, background, abilities and diversity.

We recognise and reinforce the Child Safe Standard in our practice.

We pride ourselves on our community involvement

In the Joss House Lantern Festival
